Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Where do we go from here?

Well it's been almost 1 week since the massive turn out for the Tea Parties across the country, How'd we do? Some put the estimates at well over 400,000 participants. That's a huge turnout for one day. I have heard from hundreds that wished they could have gone. Hundreds of thousands, if not millions, supported the events even if they were not there. The result? Opposition is ticked off! Haven't you heard? We got out and spoke up and those that we oppose didn't like it one bit. They have been used to getting their way and the silent majority sitting quietly with their hands folded in their laps taking it in. Now that we are speaking up and saying ENOUGH the opposition doesn't like it very much and, frankly, doesn't know how to handle it. Check some of these out:

You catch that? Can you smell the hatred and misguidance? I know this will anger many of you to see this, but it should inspire you. We are getting to these boneheads. We are making progress. The louder we yell and the louder we speak up, the more they will come unraveled. That is, if we keep moving and don't get comfortable.

Listen, I am not an activist. I don't do this kind of stuff personally. I'd rather be on a boat in the tropics. However, I love my country and I don't want to lose what we have worked so hard for in the last 200 years because some extremists want to do away with our Constitution and recreate America as we know it. Don't think it's happening like that? check this out:

The point I'm making here is that if we don't continue to be a louder squeaky wheel, we lose. If we don't stand up and order the Federal Government to cut taxes, reduce in size and limit involvement in local affairs, we lose. We must stretch out our arms and raise our voices even if it's not comfortable. Even if it hasn't personally effected you yet. Here's what I mean:

My business partner went to an event in Atlanta last weekend and he and his wife took a cab. The man that drove the cab was Arab. They swapped stories, talked about the government and made good conversation. The man explained that he came over here with his own saved money, worked his way through college, without government help and now supports his family on his own. My partner asked if it made him mad that illegal immigrants were getting free assets and handouts from the government while this man worked hard for what he got. You know what his answer was? "No, it hasn't effected me yet. When it does, I'll get involved". My friends, that is the answer of defeat. It's too late then.

Many of you don't say anything or do anything because either you don't see the impact yet or you assume someone else is fighting for you. That is the wrong assumption and it could be a costly one. We all need to step a little out of our comfort zone. Trust me, it pails in comparison to what was sacrificed 200 years ago. Want to know what they sacrificed to ensure our freedoms today (ordinary Americans)?

Read this:


These were ordinary men and women. They were told that they wouldn't make a difference, especially against such a large government like Great Britain. Look what standing up and not giving up got them!

So what to do? How do you make a difference? How can you get involved? Here is q quick rundown:

1 - Get Educated - read about what is going on. Choose your media wisely. Most of the main stream is very biased (admittedly too). Fox news gets alot of flack by the mainstream and that is a good thing. They also have the highest ratings and the broadest audience (right and left) of all news channels.

Also check out the book "The 5000 year leap". This is critical to what is happening and what the founding fathers laid out for us. You can check it out here:

5000 Year Leap: 30 Year Anniversary Edition with Glenn Beck Foreword

2 - Get involved. Find bills that are of interest to you and start calling congressional leaders and ask them to vote for/against that bill. Make a habit to call/email/fax daily. Even if it's one call a day. If everyone did that daily the results would be staggering! You can search for current legislation here:


You can also search congressional leaders here:


That is how the process is SUPPOSED TO WORK. You tell your leaders what you want and don't want and they are SUPPOSED to support your wishes. If nobody speaks up, they have free reign.

3- Join a Team -
this is so much easier to do when you have a team backing you up. This could come in the form of a political organization like RAWAmerica.org, Americansforprosperity.com or others. That is how the far left radical group Moveon.org did it. It might come in the form of creating a local group where you meet once a week or month and discuss issues and develop a game plan to attack those issues. If you want to start a group or join one, please email me at scott@rawamerica.org.

It takes a nation. Nobody can do this alone. Together we can make a difference and restore our values and grow this Country the right way. I welcome your thoughts, but I welcome your action even more. Keep the motion alive and don't rest, the opposition isn't!

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