Monday, March 30, 2009

When the Presidency was a public service position

Harry Truman was a different kind of President.

He probably made as many important decisions regarding our

history as any of the other 42 Presidents. However, a

measure of his greatness may rest on what he did after he

left the White House.

The only asset he had when he died was the house he lived

in, which was in Independence Missouri. His wife had
inherited the house from her mother and other than their

years in the White House, they lived their entire lives


When he retired from office in 1952, his income was a U.S.

Army pension reported to have been $13,507.72 a year.

Congress, noting that he was paying for his stamps and

personally licking them, granted him an


and, later, a retroactive pension of $25,000 per year.

After President Eisenhower was inaugurated, Harry and

Bess drove home to Missouri by themselves. There were no

Secret Service following them.

When offered corporate positions at large salaries, he

declined, stating, "You don't want me. You want the

office of the President, and that doesn't belong to

It belongs to the American people and it's not for


Even later, on May 6, 1971, when Congress was preparing

to award him the Medal of Honor on his 87th birthday, he

refused to accept it, writing, "I don't consider

that I have done anything which should be the reason for

any award, Congressional or otherwise."

As president he paid for all of his own travel expenses

and food.

Modern politicians have found a new level of success in

cashing in on the Presidency, resulting in untold wealth.

Today, many in Congress also have found a way to become

quite wealthy while enjoying the fruits of their offices.

Political offices are now for sale.

Good old Harry Truman was correct when he observed,

"My choices in life were either to be a piano player

in a whore house or a politician. And to tell the truth,

there's hardly any difference."

Give'em Hell Harry

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Did you know? (just for fun)

Very interesting , check it out.....

Here's one idea :)

Dear Mr.President,

Patriotic retirement:

There are about 40 million people over 50 in the work force;

pay them $1 million a piece severance with stipulations:

1) They leave their jobs. Forty million job openings - Unemployment fixed.

2) They buy NEW American cars. Forty million cars ordered - Auto Industry fixed.

3) They either buy a house or pay off their mortgage- Housing Crisis fixed.


All this and it's still cheaper than the "bailout". 

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

New Wine For New Wineskins

I went to church this past Sunday. It was a great service and I really got hit in the head with the message. Now I'll admit, I don't attend church every week. Not as much as I should. Not always for the right reasons, but I did go this past Sunday. Usually when I hear the message I try to relate it to some part of my life where I could do better and where I could apply what I was taught and be a better father/husband/friend/etc. This time, however, it hit me in the noggin a little different.

You see, I think often about the state of our country and what is happening to it right now. Not a day (or really an hour) goes by that I'm not trying to formulate how I might be able to contribute to a better country for our children and grandchildren. I see a lot happening and I hear a lot of discontent from average Americans, but I don't see nearly as much action from those same Americans. My biggest conundrum is how to get the average American to stand up and take action? How do we gather the masses to unite and make our voices heard? What would it take for you to get inspired?

Then I heard of the wine skins on Sunday.

It is written in the bible that Jesus always spoke in parables and told stories so that people could better understand His message. He told of the wine skins and how in those days people would use pig organs to hold new wine. As the wine fermented, it would expand causing the wineskin to expand as well. Eventually the skin would harden and make a great tote to carry your wine to all the local sporting events and family picnics. What you would not want to do is put new wine into an old wineskin because as the wine expanded, it would cause the old skin to crack and burst open. That is why you always put new wine into new wine skins and old wine into old wine skins. Of course, today you just put the wine into a glass bottle...but I digress.

The point of the story and the pastors message was that if we want to have a new life with Jesus and a close relationship with Him, we need to let go of our past and we need to create a new way of living. If we try to cram a better relationship with God in our old habits and lifestyles, then the whole process will break down and we will still feel unfulfilled. Wow, deep huh?

My point?

Many of us out there want to take action. We want to shout at the top of our lungs and scream out "ENOUGH!" We want to be able to make a difference and stop this useless spending and power grabbing throughout Washington. The problem is we are trying to elicit change without changing any of our habits ourselves. We want to make a difference as long as it does not hinder our current lifestyle. This is pouring new wine into old wine skins. It won't work. It can't. You'll fall into the same trap, the same complacency every time. That is what big government hopes for. They hand out the free programs in exchange for more power and control. The cycle repeats and gets bigger.

Now I'm not saying you need to quite your job and become a lobbyist. Not at all. What I'm saying is we all need to reevaluate our principles, values and beliefs. Really scrutinize them. Can you, without flinching, tell me exactly what you believe is right and wrong in your heart? What would you die for? What do you absolutely believe without a doubt is right and wrong on our culture?

From there you can being to see where you can focus your attention. Maybe certain bills you want to watch out for. Maybe a specific charity or organization that aligns with your values could use your service part time. Think outside the box, but know this: it doesn't take more than an hour a week to make a huge difference. 

Start with small steps:
  • A phone call to a state rep
  • A letter once a week to the President
  • Sending out mailers for an organization
  • fixing a playground during a weekend
Whatever it is, decide to do something and make it a part of your life, like exercising.....or church!

Last thought, you ideas and ambitions are the new wine. If you want to see them through, you have to become a new wineskin. Think about it.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Thomas Paine Returns -- Outstanding Videos

This is a great post and well worth your time (roughly 13 minutes). Please take a moment, watch the short videos and let us know what it means to you and how you could take action.

**Thank you to contributor Todd Pegelow.

**Videos created by Bob Basso

Thomas Paine Returns
With some modern day Common Sense
Outstanding Videos
13 minutes is all I ask

This is Terrific Stuff! These videos fall into the MUST SEE category ... they really must be watched by everyone who cares about America and knows that what's coming out of Washington is now -- and has been for some time -- unconscionable and unsustainable.
Please watch the videos, review the links below and then forward this!

The Second American Revolution [6 min 31 sec]
We The People Stimulus Package [6 min 35 sec]

This is not about Left or Right.
This is not about Democrat or Republican.
This is not about partisanship or bi-partisanship.
This is about the American People
and our nearly complete lack of adequate representation.
This is about Right and Wrong.
This is about who we used to be as Americans .......
who we are .......
and who we will become --
one way or another.

These very interesting and thought-provoking videos well worth the few minutes it will take to watch them (you'll need a broadband connection at home, work or public library).
These thirteen minutes just might change the way you think and feel about your place in this democratic experiment.
WARNING: You may not be able to stop thinking about what the videos mean ....

The Second American Revolution [6 min 31 sec]
We The People Stimulus Package [6 min 35 sec]
May I also ask that you take a few minutes to check out the following?
The 9-12 Project
Promises Made. Promises Kept.
Right and Wrong AmericaIt's not about Right and Left. It's about Right and Wrong!

Now ... Take Action.
  • The grass fire has started. The ground swell has begun.
  • We all have a part that we need to play in this most American of movements.
  • We need to make our voices heard by those who have ignored us far too long.
  • We need to be heard by those who pay more attention to their well-heeled special interest benefactors than they do to their own constituents.
  • If you do nothing else, please pass this along to your American friends and family ...

  • Send it to your friends who care about America and our future.
  • Send it to your Liberal friends.
  • Send it to your Conservative friends.
  • Send it to your Democrat, Republican, Libertarian and Independent friends.
  • Send it to your friends who don't carry any of the common labels that are used to divide us.
Then ...
  • Send it to your first-responder friends.
  • Send it to your military friends.
  • Send it to you civilian friends.
  • Send it to your church friends.
  • Send it to your retired friends.

  • Share it with your children.
  • Share it with your parents.
The insanity MUST stop. And we ... We The People ... are the only ones who can end it. We're the only ones who CARE ENOUGH to bring sanity back to government.
The journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step.
This revolution of American ideas and right over wrong grows strength with your decision to share this email.
And all it takes for those working against American interests to succeed is for good people like you to do nothing.

It's time, folks.
It's time to stand up, speak up, be heard.
It's time to take our government back from those who don't represent us .... before we are completely enslaved to the debt and horrendous decisions that seem to come out of Washington and our state capitols on a daily basis.
I pray it isn't already too late.
Read Thomas Paine's Original Work: Common Sense
Download and listen to an audio version of Common Sense from

Global Warming or Global Hype?

This is a great article about the ongoing debate over Global Warming. I appreciate facts, real facts. I hate it when the truth gets distorted and confused. They say Global Warming exists? That would mean that globally, it's getting warmer, right? Then why is 2008 the coldest year of this century so far? Why is the trend going the other way? Or do they actually mean Global Cooling? Who knows. One fact I would like to point out in this article. Notice how the administration is putting a cap on carbon to "raise $300 Billion for the government". I'll tell you what, forget the cap and let us keep our money and not pay the government $300 billion? Does any American out there honestly think that this cap tax won't affect our prices? You tell me.

'Global warming' data called 'ancient astrology'

What to do: Call your state legislature and tell them that you do not approve of this cap tax. Then, write a letter to the white house. Be honest. Speak your feelings and tell them how this would affect you personally and you do not approve. Write the administration here:

The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500

for more information on the cap tax, go here. It sounds good when you read it on paper, but the devil is in the details. Who will get the brunt of the bill? Find out here. Let me know your thoughts.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

How much money are we pumping?

Take a look at this. This should make you cringe, get angry and poised for action.

The Price of Freedom

What does freedom mean to you? I'm sure we all enjoy the basic freedoms that our great country provides. I'm sure we also take many of them for granted. We argue and bicker. We complain about trivial items. We honk in inpatient anger because we are 2 minutes behind schedule. Admit it, it's okay. It doesn't make you a bad person.

We should enjoy the freedom provided to us. That is what makes this country so great. We have freedom to disagree, move about the country and pursue our dreams without limits. It's a beautiful thing.

The questions is, did you stop and wonder how we got here? What price the founding fathers went through for freedoms they seldom got to enjoy, but knew that must be in place for future generations? Have you ever read about the personal sacrifices that were made by every signer of the Declaration of Independence? It is truly awe inspiring. I have a link below to the brief story of what happened to every one of the 56 signers. Please take a moment to read. You won't believe what they went through, especially Abraham Clark. It is unyielding faith and support. It is honor to a higher purpose. It is doing what is right, standing by your convictions no matter the cost.

I ask you, how often do you see that today? Do we wonder where our values have gone? What values do you have? How strong are your convictions? Take a moment and think about what you truly stand for and what it means to you. It is the essence of what defines you and, in effect, your country.

"The Americans Who Risked Everything"

Monday, March 16, 2009

Tea Party or BBQ?

There is a lot of news out there right now about "tea parties" going down all over the country. Hopefully you know where that idea came from. If not, brush up on your history here. If you're good to go please keep moving along. I like this. This is what America is about. This is how our country started. It didn't start with a government in place. It started with free people deciding they wanted to preserve their rights as citizens of a new country and their freedom. They liked the feeling of freedom and they didn't want to go back. Kind of like a kid going off to college. He's nervous at first, but as he gets comfortable he realizes he doesn't want to go home. Freedom feels good! The early Americans realized they had to fight to preserve these freedoms. They eventually formed a government to help preserve those freedoms for future generations. That government was not designed or created to control every facet of our lives and to spend our hard earned money. It's true! Read the 'ole Constitution anytime here.

The fingers of government control have slowly slipped under and around us and our citizens are waking up to it now. Good! It's not too late! We have the best country in the world and we want to keep it that way. We don't want to be like other countries. That is why everyone wants to come here. That is why the USA has the immigration problem it has: We Rock!

Back to point - Americans are seeing the light and are taking action. Lot's of action. Check this out:

Fed-up Americans mobilize

This is great. Taking it even a step further is the petition to go along with it. Now I'm not one for petitions, but I also think that any way we can get the word out and make our voices heard is good. If you want to see the petition and sign it, go here.

Now my take on this a bit different. While I support the Tea Party and it's meaning, why not do it with a bit more of an American Flair? Why not host BBQ's around the country? How about it? I'm not talking about getting drunk and stupid (hey, it happens). I'm talking mobilizing medium to large gatherings around the country where American can get together, share food, strategies and ideas. We make them known to the government what our intentions are and the idea is that we are banding together. We gather media support for each one so the effect is made. We can protest all day long. We still need to and it has it's effects, but I believe we also just need to get together to share ideas and get excited. What better way than around food!

Look, everyone is getting excited. Organization is taking place. People are standing up and taking notice. Let's work to bring the communities of this great nation together again and to stop letting the government and special interest groups divide us any longer. What are your thoughts for making this happen in your area? Maybe you got a better idea?

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Parenting techniques to try on your spouse

Okay, so this is off topic, but I believe it can go a long way in easing many marital arguments in this country and probably end all wars as we know it. C'mon, you know how wars really start: Men have absolutely no control at home so they have to stretch their claws somewhere else. (hey, we're men)

The only bite here is to the ego of husbands everywhere. Yes, this article was secretly written specifically for the women. Men, suck it up and deal with it. It's for your own good. Tell me what you think.

The Truth Is Out!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

How To Organize Your Own "Tea Party" (or BBQ)

This is a great article by Brendan Steinhauser about the 10 things you need to host your own party/protest/whatever. Use it, go get it and make your voices heard! Check it out:

Hard to swallow documentary

This is a 2 hour long documentary about the seriousness of what Obama is doing to our country. What's interesting to note is that the filmmakers are not biased to left or right, but right and wrong. They were very damning to the Bush administration as well. It has gotten serious beyond belief. I urge you to watch this below:

After that, check out what America is gearing up for (just like RAW) at:

Take Action, join a local group or start one in your community. Ask questions, spark debate, join together with all the other Americans that feel the same way. Together, we can move mountains and preserve our American Values.

Friday, March 13, 2009

What Does a Trillion $$ Look Like?

This is from an email I got. I am not the author, but I thought was a great visual.

What does one TRILLION dollars look like?
A billion dollars... A hundred billion dollars... Eight hundred billion dollars... One TRILLION dollars...
What does that look like? I mean, these various numbers are tossed around like so many doggie treats, so I thought I'd take Google Sketchup out for a test drive and try to get a sense of what exactly a trillion dollars looks like.

We'll start with a $100 dollar bill..

Currently the largest U.S. denomination in general circulation. Most everyone has seen them, slightly fewer have owned them. Guaranteed to make friends wherever they go.

A packet of one hundred $100 bills is less than 1/2" thick and contains $10,000. Fits in your pocket easily and is more than enough for week or two of shamefully decadent fun.

Believe it or not, this next little pile is $1 million dollars (100 packets of $10,000). You could stuff that into a grocery bag and walk around with it.

While a measly $1 million looked a little unimpressive, $100 million is a little more respectable. It fits neatly on a standard pallet...

And $1 BILLION dollars... now we're really getting somewhere...

Next we'll look at ONE TRILLION dollars. This is that number we've been hearing about so much. What is a trillion dollars? Well, it's a million million. It's a thousand billion. It's a one followed by 12 zeros.

You ready for this?

It's pretty surprising. Go ahead...

Scroll down...
Ladies and gentlemen... I give you $1 trillion dollars...
(And notice those pallets are double stacked.Notice the man on lower left corner)

So the next time you hear someone toss around the phrase "trillion dollars"... that's what they're talking about.

Trust and honestly is eroding. Let's build it back up!

This is a great article about the broken promises made so far by President Obama. Full article here:

Personally I do not agree with President Obama's views, choices and platforms, but he is our President. While I support him as our leader, I cannot sit idle if our leader is making poor choices that will lead our country down a bad path. Calling him names and degrading him publicly only brings us to the poor level experienced during Bush's administration. I still shudder when I think of American Citizens calling our President (Bush) a terrorist, tyrant or dictator. That is pure blind, misinformed ignorance. if you're reading this, you're better than that. Right? (just say yes).

I'm getting off point here.

My point is that while I say I support the President (his role - not his views, voting record, ideology, direction...well, you get the point) and I want to trust him, I can't. His record to date of contradictions doesn't allow me.

This is creating such a rift with politics and the American People. it's leaving a bad taste in the mouths of Americans for future leaders in our country. While it is good to question, educate yourself and debate, you still want to have a level of trust and confidence in the leaders of our free country to run the damn thing. What if you can't? What if you no longer trust? Then what?

How do we govern as a society if there is no confidence and how will we restore it?

I'll let you know what I think you tell me I'm wrong (or right). I welcome your ideas. I believe what most Americans probably believe as well: Limit the role of government to simple parameters and Citizens take personal responsibility for their actions, community and family. We have got to promote personal accountability at the community level. Remember the phrase "It takes a village to raise a child?" There is some truth to that. See, it said village not government, special entitlement programs and the UN! Local community involvement. Make communities stronger. Start by actually knowing your neighbor's name. I'm serious! How many people can you name on your own street? What about your church? Work? Do you see where I'm going?

We are so introverted as a society. Sure, we have social networking sites, twitter (yay), blogs (cool), text messaging, but very little community involvement. In fact, we communicate face to face and as a community at a fraction of what we did 20 years ago. You can't help but let government take over because none of us knows what is happening in our own backyards!

President Obama should get you motivated to move like wildfire to get out and say hi, spark debate and take action. His actions and lack of follow through should scare you into getting involved. How?

Start simple: Host a neighborhood open house. inside, outside, at the local park. Get with the local organizers of your neighborhood to post it. Keep it simple. Everyone bring a dish and an idea on paper. The idea is for a topic that will spark action. Maybe the first topic is "what do you want from our government?". This will get the creative juices flowing of you and others. From here you can see what your local community wants and that is where you can start to enact momentum. Maybe local fundraisers. Maybe community lobbying. Maybe a neighborhood gets together to submit a bill to legislature? The sky is the limit of what we can do when we get together and make our voices heard. It starts with one (you) and grows farther than you can imagine if you will just take some action.

Great! Americans Taking Action

Nothing fancy, just an american standing up for what is right. Like it.;_ylt=Au41_WSpXOJPfK6KMLjRf_btiBIF

Getting back to popular vote?

Check out this article:

It talks about moving from the current system of electoral votes in a Presidential election to a popular vote where every vote counts. I for one like this idea. That's the way it should be. We are a democracy and all our voices should be heard. What I have a concern with is the voter fraud. How do we combat that? What steps can be taken to ensure that voter fraud is at a minimum? Let me know your thoughts?

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Welcome to the RAW BLOG

Hey Everyone!If you are just jumping on, thanks! It's small actions just like that that can truly change the world in your favor if enough of us do it together. That's what RAW is about. We are ordinary Americans who are tired of the same old politics. It's boring, hard to follow and most of us don't really feel like we are being represented. So we figured instead of bitching about it all the time and complaining that "somebody should do something" we toook action. Wow, are we taking action!

We are in the process of developing the new generation in "American Politics" and it all begins with a website and a dream. That dream has been established and it was founded by two young fellas who believed that they could and should do more for their country. Even though they have been Conservatives their whole (short) adult lives, they believed that our country and it's citizens need to go beyond right and left, conservative and liberal and do what is morally right and not wrong (hence: R.A.W. - Right And Wrong) Not bad, huh?

Our play in politics with RAW is simple: Provide the facts, let people make smart decisions about it, debate it some and, of course, take action. If we all can take small actions together, no matter what the challenge is, we can succeed.

Our country is spinning in the wrong direction, but not only is it not too late, it is still the greatest country in the world! Sometimes though, that's not enough....

Every American is afforded the rights of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of long as our country affords it. We were all born into this freedom, but that does not guarantee it forever. Every one of us is obligated as an American citizen to protect and defend that freedom from time to time. For some of us that means taking up arms oversees. For others it means taking up a telephone or sending a letter. Whatever the means, it all makes a difference.

Don't wait for "others" to do the right thing. Taking action, helping others on you're own time with your own money as you see fit, moving ahead with small steps is what we need. That's what RAW is about.

We'll provide the machine, you provide the pride (In America). You don't have to be a conservative or liberal, you just need to be an American. If you agree with us, join this group. You will receive updates as we near our launch and you'll be posted of activities as we move forward.

One more thing: If you have a special talent or skill and you really want to contribute to the growth of RAW, let us know. We are building the RAW team now and it will take volunteers of all types to make it succeed. So don't be shy, let us know what you got!

Thanks to every one of you!

God Bless

Scott Setter
RAW America