Friday, March 13, 2009

Trust and honestly is eroding. Let's build it back up!

This is a great article about the broken promises made so far by President Obama. Full article here:

Personally I do not agree with President Obama's views, choices and platforms, but he is our President. While I support him as our leader, I cannot sit idle if our leader is making poor choices that will lead our country down a bad path. Calling him names and degrading him publicly only brings us to the poor level experienced during Bush's administration. I still shudder when I think of American Citizens calling our President (Bush) a terrorist, tyrant or dictator. That is pure blind, misinformed ignorance. if you're reading this, you're better than that. Right? (just say yes).

I'm getting off point here.

My point is that while I say I support the President (his role - not his views, voting record, ideology, direction...well, you get the point) and I want to trust him, I can't. His record to date of contradictions doesn't allow me.

This is creating such a rift with politics and the American People. it's leaving a bad taste in the mouths of Americans for future leaders in our country. While it is good to question, educate yourself and debate, you still want to have a level of trust and confidence in the leaders of our free country to run the damn thing. What if you can't? What if you no longer trust? Then what?

How do we govern as a society if there is no confidence and how will we restore it?

I'll let you know what I think you tell me I'm wrong (or right). I welcome your ideas. I believe what most Americans probably believe as well: Limit the role of government to simple parameters and Citizens take personal responsibility for their actions, community and family. We have got to promote personal accountability at the community level. Remember the phrase "It takes a village to raise a child?" There is some truth to that. See, it said village not government, special entitlement programs and the UN! Local community involvement. Make communities stronger. Start by actually knowing your neighbor's name. I'm serious! How many people can you name on your own street? What about your church? Work? Do you see where I'm going?

We are so introverted as a society. Sure, we have social networking sites, twitter (yay), blogs (cool), text messaging, but very little community involvement. In fact, we communicate face to face and as a community at a fraction of what we did 20 years ago. You can't help but let government take over because none of us knows what is happening in our own backyards!

President Obama should get you motivated to move like wildfire to get out and say hi, spark debate and take action. His actions and lack of follow through should scare you into getting involved. How?

Start simple: Host a neighborhood open house. inside, outside, at the local park. Get with the local organizers of your neighborhood to post it. Keep it simple. Everyone bring a dish and an idea on paper. The idea is for a topic that will spark action. Maybe the first topic is "what do you want from our government?". This will get the creative juices flowing of you and others. From here you can see what your local community wants and that is where you can start to enact momentum. Maybe local fundraisers. Maybe community lobbying. Maybe a neighborhood gets together to submit a bill to legislature? The sky is the limit of what we can do when we get together and make our voices heard. It starts with one (you) and grows farther than you can imagine if you will just take some action.

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